Tuesday, November 6, 2012

City of Oaks Marathon.......

Well it is tuesday morning with a day in between running the hardest and most challenging course I have ever run. I know there are harder ones out there, but this one really beat up some quality runners, so I don't feel so bad about it. Did I meet my goal?!?! Well yes and no, lets go with no first, I know what I am capable of running a marathon in, it just hasn't come to pass yet. I guess I have to go through the fire, you know the pain,doubt, and fear that doing anything worthwhile brings. I wanted to run a specific time, qualify for Boston. I did not meet either of those goals by a long shot. That is where my failure ends ! The first marathon I ended up in the med tent with an IV in my arm and the doctor wanting me to go to the hospital because my BG was almost 500 that day.This time I wore my insulin pump the entire race and had no problems the entire time. Specifics : I set a temp basal rate of -70% for 3.5 hours , it worked to perfection ! Post race BG 155, perfect! I have to work on my fueling and hydration as I started cramping in both legs after mile 20 but it didn't have anything to do with my diabetes. That is a huge step forward because if I feel comfortable that my sugar is going to remain stable and I do not have to worry about that, I can just think about what "normal runners" have to worry about while pushing their bodies to the limit! I can't wait to get started training for my next one( Myrtle Beach in Feb)......I hate this recovery crap! Oh well, I guess it is a necessary evil :)

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