Sunday, February 10, 2013

Myrtle Beach Marathon

Well, I started this blog a few months ago with very good intentions. I thought I had a lot to say, I still do but this is harder than I thought! A lot of things can happen in three months as well! Life has a way of interrupting your hopes, dreams, and your everyday life. It is at these times as a person living with diabetes that it is very easy to get out of control as your emotions and the disruption of your normal routine can cause havoc with blood sugar control. My only previous posts where about the City of Oaks marathon and my struggle to run fast enough to qualify and have the privelige to run in the Boston Marathon. I ran into problems with not wearing my pump and not eating correctly during the race. So what is different this time? First of all I do not feel at all trained enough to even run a marathon. I have not been able to put in the mileage or stick to a plan because of injury, I have had a hamstring issue since November, and also due to those life changes that we all go through that change our lives forever1 You never see them coming but they will affect all of us sooner or later! I am going into this race under prepared and still hurting. Why am I running then? Why not just give up and try in another race? All I can say is that I believe when things happen to you, if you will keep your head up and have the courage to keep pushing that you can change your life for the better! I have always been amazed at how closely being an endurance athlete closely parallels life! When you have developed the habits of determination and perseverance that allow you to run any distance and push the pace even when it hurts,you are prepared to better weather the storms of life that come ! I do not really know how to give up, all I know how to do is to keep working as hard as I can and stepping up to the start and put myself out there for everyone to see what happens. I also cannot let down my teammates that have put in the time along with me and know all that we have gone through together, you see when I was about to fail and felt like I could not go on during City of Oaks, my friends came and picked me up and ran all the way to the finish with me. Things like that have a way of changing you and make you want to do the same for others. One more thing I need to add, life also can go right for you all by itself when you keep on pushing and pursuing your passion, life will put new people into your life that will make you know that anything is possible and that you can have everything you have always wanted and dreamed of! I know this has not been a very useful post about the nuts and bolts of running with diabetes, but in a way it is. Things that happen to us either good or bad can affect how we feel about ourselves and dirctly have an affect on our blood sugars. So this time next week I will have either qualified for Boston or not, but I have a plan to get it done and have people behind me that love and care about me and want me to succeed. Ok , I should let you know what my plan is, start hydrating now, get to the race with fresh legs and healthy, wear my pump on a temporary basal rate of -70%, and eat something other than my GU a little past halfway, start out SLOW and run the first part very conservative,whenI get to the twenty mile mark see how I feel and go for it the rest of the way ! I am ready to lay it on the line and see what happens ! That's what I want my life to always be about, go for it! Try things that people tell you can't do, and if you want something go get it !